Let us harness the potential
of geothermal energy
Our projects will enable ecological heating of households and efficient use of green energy in the Slovak industry. In a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
We have identified favourable conditions for the development of projects in the districts of Prešov and Žiar nad Hronom based on performed surveys and measurements.
The capacity factor of geothermal resources is much more efficient compared to other renewables, like solar or wind.
The volume of energy we will produce will meet the electricity and heat demand of about 150,000 households.
Compared to energy produced from fossil fuels, only a one hundredth of carbon dioxide is generated by energy production from geothermal sources.
Our vision

Solution for a modern country
Slovakia has abundant sources of geothermal energy, however, it has so far lagged behind in its utilization. PW Energy aims to change this and to contribute to the country's long-term commitment to increase the share of renewables in the energy mix of Slovakia, on its road to carbon neutrality in 2050. We are confident that the valuable energy source hidden beneath the Earth's surface represents a unique opportunity to replace fossil fuels with long-term sustainable alternatives.
The way we harness energy from underground
Geological survey
Takes place in locations with anticipated potential for geothermal energy.
Geothermal well is drilled at the selected site at an average depth of 3.5 kilometres.
Water exploitation
Hot water with a temperature of approximately 135 degrees Celsius reaches the surface from the Earth's crust.
Electricity generation
Geothermal water transfers its heat to a working fluid, which drives the turbine with its pressure and generates electricity.
Secondary heating
Residual heat is used for central heating and heat supply for various industrial applications.